a mechatronics engineering bureau
offering services and solutions around
machine vision and optical spectroscopy
for sensor based industrial inspection or sorting purposes.
" We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard;
because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept,
one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win."
J.F. Kennedy, Moon Speech - Rice Stadium, Sept. 1962
The Team
Doing the other things
Flavor and Fragrance
Application Specialist
The Logbook
May … started a one-year hiatus to explore new opportunities, AiDEXA GmbH being the entrepreneurial means to pursue these, set-up as an engineering bureau for mechatronics.
Odor and fragrances are presently detected in state-of-the-art Gas Chromatographic instruments. The different volatiles are separated by means of GC columns and detected sequentially at the exit of these columns. AiDEXA’s scouting activities are focused on an instrumentation platform concept meant to become a non-invasive, non-destructive and confirmatory technique, capable of separating digitally up to 3 main volatile organic composites in a fast, simultaneous and continuous flow by means of plasmonic Raman spectroscopy (SERS).
July … participation at the 17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors 2018 in Vienna, scouting for business possibilities in electronic chemical sensing. Verified initial concepts on the detection of volatile organic compounds in water. Got interesting insights from this community of researchers.
Evaluated different optomechanical and microfluidics building blocks and realization paths over the summer months. The more time passes, a mist of self-doubt starts to get thicker. And the realization that dozens of smarter people with more money and better infrastructure are already working in this area.
September … Design review completed; orders for all parts are out! Everything took twice the time to design and does cost double as much as initially estimated. Lab room ready, everything prepared for build-up; parts start to come in; need some distance and another perspective, Schoeckel hiking tour, alone. Prospects are bright, but progress is modest.
October … Start building up first prototype … nothing works!
November … visit of Vision trade fair in Munich … go back to start and verify functionality of every single building block for itself; new assembly workflow established and documented | spectrograph is the only part that fulfills specification, proud of this, rest is a mess, no Raman spectrum visible.
December … quo vadis ? new lasers and Ag/Au colloids ordered
February … 91 years later on the date on which C.V. Raman recorded first Raman spectra in 1928, I recorded my first in transmission through liquid vials. Which is the relevant value of this achievement, can I scale it up and which is my right to win this?
April … verified different lasers, different liquids at different concentrations; acquired colloids are useless
May … results are modest after one year, no ideal setup found in transmission, with limits of detection LOD still far too high, detection of ultra-low concentrations by plasmonic enhancement is out of reach
Started “AiDEXA helps” initiative offering consulting, planning, execution and support in solving spectroscopic challenges.
June 9th. … Akis, my first collaborator left, he is now in dog heaven, waiting for progress … (27.06.2008 - 09.06.2019)
September … attended 16th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium in Ulm; inspired by the conference, decided to change to reflective setup to enable more focused line of detection and more versatile experimentation with surface enhanced plasmonics.
November … reflective setup completed, first solids and first powders detected, but still no plasmonic effect achieved in low concentrated liquids
December ... | ... demo interfacing to Perception Park Studio ... | … visit at UBB in Cluj, first SERS spectra of low concentration R6G measured live by Prof. Leopold on lab equipment and myself on eRPHiX ... | … reproduced plasmonic Raman spectra on eRPHiX in home lab with Au colloids, first Raman Plasmonic Hyperspectral imaging cube recorded showing the sporadic SERS spectra of R6G diluted in Au colloid. ...... First milestone achieved. | … eRPHiX is born
January … started with elan, both on consulting projects and eRPHiX ;
... seeking new community
… Bobby joins, a small bushy corona-head yorkie, heralding what was to come
February … prepared patent proposal, filed March 31st. Joined Photonics Austria
April … Executing on AiDEXA helps projects, best occupation in lockdown times,
... eRPHiX on hold
August … started collaboration with TUGraz and v2c2 on a new project
December … significant project milestones achieved and delivered |
… growing in lockdown times - the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) approved by yearend the B.GASUS project, activating extremely valuable support for future eRPHiX development B.GASUS
.... executing on projects, small steps forward and some set-backs
.... modest progress on eRPHiX with support of Innovationcheck (FFG)
.... novel fluorescence and colorimetric spectroscopic solutions developed instead
.... A year under the sign of Monozukuri and Jugaad, under the imperative of excellence in execution and unconventional frugal innovations
.... Laborious but fulfilling development of eFLUORiX software
.... Advanced eSPEX532 - the significantly improved prismatic spectrograph for Raman imaging solutions - driven by a symbiotic like-minded client
.... Cool results and valuable experiences achieved in effluent water analysis of PEM fuel cells and overall system design;
.... Kurt Mayer joins the team starting May 1st. 2023
.... by yearend funding for a new collaborative project starting in 2024 was approved by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
.... The story goes on and hopefully, the best is yet to come !
.... Kurt leaves AiDEXA; he will pursue innovation activities within the academic research environment in an exciting new project on novel fuel cell membranes. This will put his in-depth and extensive specialist knowledge to use and enable him to finally (:-) complete his Phd. thesis. Wishing him success and all the best on his further journey !
February .... filed for a new patent, with future potential A 50160/2024
March .... started working on a new collaborative project "NNATT" - approved and supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
May ....... first tests on latest eRPHix2 with a more powerful laser; cool goggles :-) Photo © 2024, BRAVE Analytics GmbH
.... need more space; rented new lab/office in the Franckstrasse 22 T5
.... further improvements on eRPHiX2 , intensive work on the NNATT project, alternating between transpiration, desperation and gratification :-)
.... A 50160/2024 patent has been granted. Quo vadis ?
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All rights reserved.